Tuesday, January 27, 2009

December Newsletter
Lowveld Association of Arts/ Laeveld Kunsvereniging

This year saw the founding of the Lowveld Association of Arts, something that has been due for many years.I would like to thank Pieter v Heerden the Director of the Association of Arts Pretoria and Anton Loubser National President, SANAVA for their input and help to get us started. The aim of this Association is in short:
the promotion of visual arts and to support the visual arts in a positive and holistic
to organise or otherwise assist in the organisation of exhibitions of the visual arts
to foster awareness of the visual arts among the population as a whole;
to send out newsletters and keep members up to date regarding opportunities in the art world;
to undertake art projects and assist artists to develop their skills;
to affiliate with the South African National Association for the Visual Arts

We are planning a Members exhibition next year March under the banner: “ LAUNCH: Best of Lowveld Art”
The Banquet hall in the Civic Centre is already booked and we hope to make this a grandeur occasion. Paid up members can submit three paintings. There will be a selection and entry fees are R10.00 per painting. The Association will charge 20% commission.
Should you be able to help in any way or know of sponsors that we can contact ,please contact Ilona 082 893 6718. (we must print invitations and the opening will be a :”cheese and wine”)

We are also planning a New signatures exhibition, a workshop by a well known artist from Pretoria , a permanent exhibition space (gallery) and a calendar for 2010 .

Artists from the Lowveld will also be conducting a workshop for “up an coming artists” in Pilgrims Rest!

Dankie aan Yvonne Ankerman, wat namens die vereniging kunsmateriaal (wat lede geskenk het) oorhandig het aan Huttington Day Care Centre. Dit is belangrik dat ons ook uitreik na minder bevoorregtes!

Ons het n nuwe e-pos adres: lowveldasart@yahoo.com en julle kan ook die “Facebook “ besoek van Lowveld Art (and post pictures of your paintings)

This will be the last newsletter that we will be sending out to all known artists, as from next year the newsletter will only be going out to members, so please join as soon as possible!

The Watercolour Society will be conducting a workshop “ The Artist’s Turnkey Workshop” please contact Barbara for more info on the workshop and the Watercolour Society.
082 454 3233

Remember about the submission for the exhibition in Pretoria early next year. All info is in the first newsletter that we mailed to you.

Baie dankie aan al die bestuurslede vir jul positiewe bydrae!

We wish you all a Blessed Christmas, drive safe, enjoy the break …..and let the creative juices flow……..
Ilona Petzer

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